
Although you can always repair your own credit history is best done before applying for a mortgage. Without doubt, the rejection of a mortgage application would cause your credit report more harm than good. So before you apply: 1. Call the credit reporting bureau. Before a credit rating agency could consider the correct results, you need to contact the bank that gave the information to determine if there was an error. If the financial institution accepts that there was a mistake, in many countries have legally given a period of time in order to correct credit information. If the bank says that the recorded data are correct but you disagree, you must submit a brief statement to the agency report and credit score.

This letter should detail your circumstances and be added to your credit report. 2. Contact your bank. To avoid delay in updating your registration contact the financial institution which provided the data and request follow up your case. If the error came from the bank and the institution refuses to amend the inaccuracy, refer to their policies and government on this issue. Financial institutions are under government regulations are required, under federal law of most countries to make available to its customers a procedure to resolve disagreements.

Learn about the financial institution and do not hesitate to report abuse. In the event that your credit report is not as good as you think it should be, make sure that the data in your credit report are correct. If so, observe carefully the report to understand the details that are probably causing an adverse effect on your score, and work to improve them. Here are some instructions on how to improve your report: 1. Always pay your bills on time. Some creditors may see late payments to credit reporting agencies, which could have an impact on its results. 2. Try to pay off the debt before the expiry of each monthly installment. If you can not do this, at least make the minimum payment provided a copy of the receipt of payment on your credit bureau. 3. Try to pay your debts as soon as possible. 4. Do not exceed the credit limit on your credit card. Try to keep your available balance well below the limit. The higher your balance, the more effect it will have in its report. 5. Reduce the number of credit applications you submit. In the case of an investigation about your credit in a short period, this could have an adverse impact on your score. However, it should not change when requesting information about their own credit situation.