Market Research

The classical market research reaches its limits. According to the society for consumer research (GfK), about 80% of all new products fail within a very short time on the market. Every year a budget is wasted in Germany by 10 billion euros, although intensive market research was carried out prior to the introduction. “The classic market research reaches its limits. Credit: Hyundai-2011. According to the society for consumer research (GfK), about 80% of all new products fail within a very short time on the market. Every year a budget is wasted in Germany by 10 billion euros, although intensive market research was carried out prior to the introduction. “Time for new ways: the neuro marketing looking for the buy button in the brain!” The Kiel list broker CEBUS marketing column explains the three-part series of recognized PR consultant and journalist Claudia Gohner Walter interesting findings and correlations around this new advertising discipline: product advertising looks just different than you thought? What unconsciously enticing us to buy? There is 1 x 1 to the Increase purchase desire? Practical and illustrative examples is outlined, which plays a crucial role in purchasing decisions. Read the full article at by the same expert author, there is the complaint on the subject a chance to delight your customers!”practical tips from disgruntled customers to make soon satisfied customers under