New information on AIDS. Although the number of new cases fell by almost 17 in 2007, Spain is one of the countries with highest incidence in Western Europe To mark the celebration of the past World AIDS Day, the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, stressed the importance of HIV testing to all persons who have had unprotected sex. The experts stressed the importance of early detection of infection in the phases in which the immune system is not yet affected. According to the latest available data, 38.2 of cases are detected too late. This delay is particularly worrying in the group of heterosexuals and especially in those over 55 years. Author: By TERESA Romanillos Release Date: March 13, 2009 – Image: J RAWLS — AIDS is a true pandemic that has killed more than 25 million people. Now seen that there are about 40 million people infected worldwide. The transmission through sexual transmission is the most common: according to available data, seven of every 10 new infections were acquired in this way. Among men, 48 of cases were due to homosexual or bisexual transmission and only 24 of heterosexual women while 74 of infections resulted from heterosexual transmission. a Governor of REBNY