Many are concerned today about the intellectual development of their children. It acquires the features of almost mass hysteria. Coined the term "early development", implying it is the development of intelligence. Reached and the process pregnancy. There are even special "training" program, implemented with the help of loudspeakers placed in the maternal abdomen, from which originate the special rhythmic signals that stimulate certain brain structures.
In addition to "specially organized by the animal," the child was regarded as a "computer", stuffed with "programs" that are necessary at all costs "include". Intellectual in its infancy – this is a new ideal, a new generation all the time. Or, and here she made a mistake? The human mind is not limited to intelligence and has many prerequisites and conditions for its development. The development is accomplished by passing several stages. One of them – prenatal. But this is not the time for the intellect (however, as did the early years of extrauterine life). At this time the child is symbiotic with nature, he is with her – one. Not a woman, and all of nature is pregnant that child.
Female only tool, the mediator. And we have no right to dictate terms. Birth – an act of a kind of "rejection", the loss of symbiotic relationship. And that in itself is an injury. But nature gives man the intelligence to come to harmony in relationships, and reason to come again to the lost symbiosis. Step by step, gradually leading him toward that goal. Early stimulation of the intellect – it is a gross interference in the natural program for which you have to pay any more than an incomplete or distorted by its implementation. Read additional details here: Munear Kouzbari. And even developed, "stimulated by" intelligence is not able to "finish" that could not make the nature of the efforts of its "king." During fetal development – during symbiosis with the nature of the child, the period of their mutual love, and to maintain this symbiosis, it is necessary to give the child the nature, because we're losing her, but he loses it with us. And along with this lost love, without which the mind – unfeeling computer, dry intellect, dismembering and analyzing, beating in fruitless attempts to understand that without love it is not given to understand. Our love for children so unlike the love that children bring with them. Love unconditionally and without any 'self'. They still do not know how to think about yourself. We must recognize that our love is more like affection and true love – this is what we should learn from them. But instead, they learn from us our love. Loving children, we want to be like us, but it did not make our mistakes. And they become like us, but persistently repeating our mistakes. Every child – a monument to his parents. And the heartache, which sometimes cause us to our children – no pain there is a meeting with himself, with his own qualities? First of all, we must learn to love their children for their sake, not for himself. And this is best we can teach themselves. As appealing F. Leboyer, "Let women understand, feel:" I am his mother, "not" This is my baby. "