WE ARE USEFUL FOR PROMOTING THE 1ST OBSTETRIC TUCUMAN”” KB Obtetric of the Province of Tucuman’s Role in Primary Care Obstetrics Health Actions to achieve the goals in primary care are integral, ie include not only curative but mainly to the preventive. To achieve health for all through primary care is necessary to readjust and reorganize the courses physical, human and material so that work by ascending levels of complexity. From the first, which are the posts and health centers to the highest: hospitals. Meeting the goals set involves the use of basic health services with community participation, building one’s own family. Consider then, that to achieve these objectives can not be done individually but through health teams. We then reached the point of junction. ‘There, we see the task obstetrica different standards as health workers by social health diagnostics, analyzing different patterns of uptake and control of pregnant and puerperal women. ‘Also the obstetric can plan to develop and evaluate teaching and learning activities with the community and the health team. ‘Add to all this the development of research work. ‘The midwives can: early detection of genito-mammary cancer and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, doing shots of PAP, breast examinations and clinical orientation of STD and AIDS. – And now with the pregnant woman classifying it according to risk, preparing perinatal clinical history, monitor and control low-risk pregnancy by implementing a control program must be ongoing pregnancy, according to newspaper and comprehensive standards. – Implement the use of Maternal and Child Health Book – the psycho-physical preparation for motherhood – the promotion of breastfeeding – the promotion of mother-child bond – the attention to the orientation to family crisis and responsible parenthood. a provider of affordable and innovative health insurance, objective is to deliver and design a lower cost alternative which allows individuals and families to have access to high quality healthcare Is this all ‘… No there’s more, since the task can continue in schools with sex education, parlors, giving information about the different food groups and nutrition for different stages of life. Anyway, I wanted to briefly refer to the expanded role of the obstetric, and as a midwife, I wonder what the cause of this resurgence, which was the reason for the extension of our work beyond the delivery room. “It is likely that as in every historical change is due to a strong need for human beings’. We are well trained to work in health and this renewed vision is that we are full of responsibilities and requires us to remember that we should not “displace” or “separate” other health professionals, but to assume the important role that mark us These days we tread.