The social impact of this line of research is seen not only in new treatment strategies, but also in changing its attitude towards diseases such as anorexia and bulimia, which are no longer seen only as a product of vanity and the pressure mediatica. In this paper we presented the testimony of a teenage girl named Lucila 22-year-old who is a college student in your home are situations of violent conduct both physical and psychological. Lucila was raped by her uncle at age 11 and said nothing to his mother for fear he would not believe him. At 12 years when development was ashamed and hid under the clothes for the boys in school do not watch. After age 13 became diets and avoiding any kind of flour and fat, but never really suffered from overweight.Soon she began to eat brownies, caramel quickly and secretly binge and vomit immediately ran to what everyone had eaten and then taking laxatives. For this reason each time your uncle or father approached her anxiety began, resulting in a solitary life and reaching hurt by slashing his wrists. “It’s like seeing blood run relieve me.” He said that his scars on his wrists reminded her of her suffering as true and not “as bad that I had invented.Lucila said. Lucila’s testimony is representative of the tragedy suffered by women who, besides anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and Food Behavior Disorders (ED) have self-harm behaviors, ranging from cutting or burning the skin, hair pulling, head banging or other body parts, or mutilate compulsively picking fingers, until the suicide attempt. With the increase of self-harm seen in consultation, Maritza Rodriguez Guarin, psychiatrist MA in Clinical Epidemiology, Javeriana, associate professor, Department of Psychiatry of the University, presented a research project to investigate the origin of these behaviors that both the surprised her and her colleagues in the Balance Program, which specializes in the ACT, based in Bogota.