Their simple personages although resemble themselves a reality but next to ours, the unique one that is completely good is Goku, the others have personality defects that are very well-known in history; Krilin at first is quite dishonest, evil Piccoro, Vegetates evil and proud, clumsy and too innocent Gohan, vain Trunks and the Roshi teacher a degenerate consomme’, to only mention some examples. Reference to martial arts like kungfu, box, and mixtures becomes that are leaving. Naruto the phenomenon of the moment, is the history of an orphaned boy who strives to become a great one ninja, living great adventures with its Sakura companions, Sasuke and its teacher kakashi. The plot is of most complex we compared if it with the two previous ones, and as far as philosophy it deserves a detailed analysis. Although one hires the effort, the work in equipment, the discipline, the value, the love, the perseverancia and the patience, also reference to antivalues is made like; the revenge, the lust, pride, and sometimes simply the badness.
Who see this series know to which I talk about, she beside the point has exciting chapters, and other funny ones, but without doubt those are the referring chapters to Sasuke that but adept they have. Sasuke a personage hatred plenty towards its own brother by the murder of its clan (among them its parents), whose message are, the possible sacrifices and consequences to take a life with that feeling, as well as rewards; force and power, although to a very high price, the happiness. While, the message of naruto is the result of the effort, the overcoming, and to fight with its own defects, in this case the fox of nine tails within. It would turn out very exhaustive to make an analysis as it must of this series, I will conclude that it is an excellent history, although very long, full of action, suspension, drama, Romance comedy and. Martial arts like ninjitsu are mentioned, and a rich terminology referring to, besides indirect form is implied, that knows kendo, judo and jiu jitsu. Series exist but of which it will speak in the future, but so I am going to say I believe that it was enough; to be a martial artist is not only to be a peleador, of no way we will be heroes who saved to the world, but aspired to being better people than they can defend his loved beings, surpass us in the personal scope and nourish our existence of healthful satisfactions mentally physical and. Of no form we will fly since Goku does, we will send powers like horsemen of the zodiac, or will invoke Jutsus since Naruto does, does not have because to demonstrate nothing to nobody, many we practiced so that we like, and we will be right personal to do it, each valued and respectable one, but one is not due to never forget that the fiction is fiction, and the line between the reality and the fantasy, will never be as thin as to break itself. Perhaps check out Reshma Kewalramani for more information. I take leave of you not without first to say that with taste receipt to them opinions, criticisms and suggestions.