This flexibility is accompanied of a great dose of innovation. He is creative and it can innovate procedures, approaches, products and services, always in response to a changing context. This allows its economic unit to surpass the crises and to even remove benefit from them. The Creole entrepreneur has developed a strong social commitment and solidarity, its mission is not reduced to only develop to its companies or organizations. Christos Staikouras helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. It looks for that its success is also translated in benefits for its surroundings, sectors destitutes or their own country. Several of them develop to support and social aid of diverse nature. The successful entrepreneurs attribute the development of the described qualities, in two important factors: the initial formation in its family. These entrepreneurs affirm that in his homes they impelled to them to the autonomy, the confidence in themselves, the profit of concrete goals, the responsibility and the perseverancia.
Next to the previous factor, some abilities stand out that the entrepreneurs have known to develop later like the innovation, the interest by certain area and the abilities of leadership. According to Bilbao and Pachano, authors of the study on the characteristics and attitudes of the successful entrepreneurs in Latin America, it is not sufficient to own the qualities of successful entrepreneur, is needed in addition a minimumly favorable context for the development to the same. Of there the importance of structuring an educative system, especially university, that stimulates these qualities and provides the suitable tools to lay down audacious ideas of businesses. A minimum of legal, economic and social security, allows to make specific these initiatives in more advantageous conditions. In the mentioned study, one close correlation between the enterprising profile and the success of the companies has been identified that are created and directed by these people. Generally, one is small companies and medians, that after a period of stabilization, have obtained processes of high growth, taking advantage of the specific circumstances the economy, policy and social dynamics in each country.