Construction of pools – it's a real art construction of complex structures, which are always being filtered and recycled, and is constantly a process of disinfecting water. Before you start building pools need to choose their seats. One of the main factors when carried out construction of swimming pools – is struktutra soil the place where the pool will be built. In the case of clay soil, you need to dig pit size is much larger compared to a mirror pool, and fill its space with sand and stone, which absorbs the harmful effect of the plasticity of clay, and produces better drainage basin surrounding soil. Construction of the pool in this case we can assume was the minimum necessary to a successful outcome. Features of soil and geographic location * Unstable soil and sand. Construction of pools should done quickly. To prevent the settling of the soil work needs to be reinforced concrete screed.
* High levels of groundwater. When groundwater is rising, they put pressure on the design from the bottom up. Construction of the pool, for this reason must be accompanied by good external drainage, combined with the main drainage system. In this case, the hydrostatic valve is installed so that it prevents the pressure groundwater at the bottom of the tub basin. * Rocky ground. This is a unique material that ensures durability of the foundation. * The mountain slopes.
Alluvial or surface layers must be removed to avoid the possibility sliding base. The final pit must be lined with concrete. * Slate soil. Pulled out a large pit, as in the case of sandy soil, leveled concreting. Construction pools. Base of excavation should be prepared and aligned concreting (composition of the solution – 1 part cement to 4 parts sand) and covered with a stabilizing layer of gravel and sand. Not unimportant role played by material which fills the space around the pool. Experts advise, construction of the pool will be performed superbly, to use permeable materials. During the construction of the pool is better to use situ concrete strength grade not lower than B30 and water resistance not less than W4. Manufacture of the pool includes the following stages: 1. Casting of the pool with the Installation of the embedded hardware tab on the workers and mating seams of the hydrophilic profile. 2. Smoothing the transition 'wall-floor'. 3. Alignment, if necessary, vertical surfaces after removal of the formwork. 4. Application of a flexible waterproof membrane through reinforcing mesh in two layers. 5. Laying cladding material. 6. The pointing between the tile joints. 7. Filling in between the tile joints flexible sealant in the conjugated 'wall – a wall', 'floor – wall'. Interior finishing order for your pool served even longer, it is necessary to take into account factors such as finishing and waterproofing. Finishing the inner surface, the construction of pools, you need to mosaic glass rod or film. The choice of solution depends on the location Pool: indoors or outdoors.