economic height. For our Economy not to have grown 5 or 6% (what it noocorreu) but for the fact of our recovery of the crisis to have been fast. We were one of the last countries to say now the World-wide Crisis estafetando directly our country and one of the first ones to affirm Jvoltamos to produce and to consume similar numbers to the ones of the estabilidadeeconmica. According to French periodical Le Monde, our president Lula was chosen as personality of the year 2009.Isso is pride reason. It does not advance to deny therefore until who hates LusIncio, back in the deep one feels a happiness for notice as this.
OBrasil all already is cliente of this: The government Squid was better that the government> FHC. At least on a generalista vision of development; not minute e.The country, as well as the too much BRICs (acronym to mention emergent aosprincipais formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China eultimamente South Africa) depends very on the foreign money. Poresse and other reasons are idiotice to complain that Brazil grew menosneste year if the average of growth of the World was negative. To only remember, the Planet had not passed therefore since 2 Mundial.Em War this year valley to also remember some measures adopted for governopara not to discourage the consumption as the maintenance of the reduction it IPI (Tax on Industrialized Products) and also for allowing to jurosbaixos and an extremely great credit. The prominence was without a doubt, automobile aindstria.
However to if speaking in tax in them we defeat pordentro when knowing that we are sucked. Impostmetro registered in the metadedeste December month, more than R$1 trillion collected. It has much gentedizendo that it is this that is supporting some sectors for there and euespero that this money is not close to the mensales, that in this anode 2009 came back very strong to tona. This was said in some notice world measures in this last week of 2009: Brazil already is one of the great ones! We must believe this and work for we ourselves, for our people epara to improve a kept out of society society all these years and that agoraest proving that it has relevance in the Climatic Questions, in the CooperaoDiplomtica and over all, an expressive confidence in its Micro and MacroEconomia.' ' Brazil decola' '. Layer of the British Magazine The Economist with special news article on the overcoming of the country front to other Economies of Latin America. Also it was subject of my work of Semiotics of the Communication in the College.