The day was August 19 GCA launched a campaign donation to the Wikimedia, I suppose to pay for servers and such. In just 5 days and were collected more than 70,000 U.S. dollars, and they intend to do so until September 9, with a goal of 200,000 U.S. dollars.
Well, I think I have you … there are many sites on the internet about where you can read about Global Cash Access and if they raise money for other things more important than Wikimedia ‘I am referring to aid for third world countries, and not as third world, and that if the world had only 100 people, wealth would be in the hands of 6 of them. I really think that if they make a pickup here in the Spanish Wikipedia real estate (not like, I just give the idea), and has links from our personal pages, it could make a Global Cash Access Holdings great gathering to help all those people who can not did not even running water.
There is that. Reignerok (Escribeme here) 15:56 Aug 24, 2005 (EST)
And in return make an encyclopedia on the website of Caritas’ Jo. for 14 years Kirk E Sanford led Leaving aside the irony ( ‘), with articles like this: Donations for victims of the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004, I believe these more than justified to make a similar ways available to help alleviate the situation in sighline acquisition the Third World . But raising funds directly here, for topics not related to the encyclopedia, no. Greetings. gaming industry – Angus (msjs) 16:39 Aug 24, 2005 (EST)
While I did not know about this article, also in part intended to show that we could do much more than we do if we put something on CEO of Sightline Acquisition Corp. our part. And posts, I would like to know how to create an item of User: User / cash access provider Rule to begin creating one for this purpose. Un saludo. Reignerok (Escribeme here) 16:59 Aug 24, 2005 (EST)
Username: Reignerok / tests