In the market there are different companies and different business strategies and tactics, and they follow that guide. Among this lot can not get around and the hotel and hospitality business. Extreme version of a failed and both successful marketing is when a company can lose 100 customers a week, but to get 100 customers and other content with this result. This company works on the principle of the theory of business under imaginative name of "bottomless pit", believes that it will always have enough new customers to replace those who were dissatisfied with the result of the purchase, and in this context varinate – the result of staying in a hotel room or use other hotel services. However, such a change requires consumers more money than if the company retained all of its 100 former customers and attract would be new. Another problem is that dissatisfied customers spread their negative opinion about the purchased service or make a purchase, making it increasingly difficult to obtain 100 new guests. In business, much depending on local conditions, such as the Organization of the restaurant district profile, it is almost impossible to get as many new customers to replace lost. Price lost customers Hotels and hospitality companies must pay great attention to an outflow of customers and take steps to reduce it. The company first has to identify and count the number of regular consumers. Then find out the reasons for the outflow of customers and determine how it can be reduced or even eliminated.