What they will not say to it when to make its credit consolidadoNaturalmente already it knows I credit that it consolidated it will be able to lower the monthly installments. If it added some credits as the credit automobile, credit the habitation and the credit staff could be with difficulties in obtaining to fulfill with the payment of the installments of all they. It is a situation where if they find thousand of families at this moment they long for some aid. It has about four years was introduced in our parents the concept of the consolidated credit, that it is ciphered in agglomerating all more the credits of short term with one of extended stated period. more usual situation is to join all the contracted credits to the credit the habitation, benefiting then of one tax of interest lower, and a reduction in monthly installment that easily if will be able to approach to 60%.
Visible then the interest of many Portuguese for this financial product. But nor everything is good in this instrument. As in everything it has the reverse of the medal, regularly little is said of disadvantages and inconveniences of the consolidated credit, but before you advancing for this solution will have to be very informed well of these .inconvenientes of the consolidated credit: Little expressive reduction if not to withhold mortgage. If it intends to consolidate its credits but the habitation does not possess a credit, the reduction of its monthly installment could very be reduced and not to compensate. In the end, paid much more. When consolidating its credits, them will go to be with a much more extensive stated period, and will walk to pay to these loans much more years. It has been remembered that it will create you divide that if they will be able to widen until the o remaining portion of its life, and in the end of accounts it paid a small richness in interests. Penalizados anticipated reimbursements. As in other credits, I credit in it consolidated is frequent to have high penalizaes case it requests to eliminate its you divide anticipatedly. In credits of long duration as it is the case of this, it will be able to mean that to be penalizado, will not have that to live with the loan until the final o of it, that he will be daqui to many years. It gets more information on the consolidation of credits in our site.