In order to prolong the life of your mochalkineobhodimo her right to choose in accordance with the purposes and characteristics of natural materials. Often, without knowing the characteristics of natural fibers, a client makes the wrong choice, which leads to fragility of the product. So, for that would buy you did not disappoint, a brief look at the characteristics of the materials used and the purpose of their use for different skin types. These natural fibers have a massage and exfoliating and antitselyullitnym effect to varying degrees: Sisal. One of the most popular materials used not only sponges, but also furniture, bedding, etc. This is implies that it is more durable, can endure the load given by seasoned bath attendant and is suitable for steam enthusiasts.
Suitable for coarse or less sensitive areas, as well as in the fight against tselyullitom. For more quality massage effect, fit wool with a large or medium weave, just all kinds of brushes. For more sensitive skin, use a good fiber of medium thickness and with less dense weave. Deep peels. Sisal is not suitable for very sensitive and allergic skin, delicate skin of children.
Rami. Some of the most subtle, but strong fibers. As well as sisal are suitable for all skin types except sensitive. Massage and antitselyullitny effect is less than that of sisal, but the effect of peeling on the level of more rigid materials. Loofah or a "living sponge". Has not only otshelushivayushim, but also "polish" effect, so is perfect for all skin types, including those for very sensitive and child. Mild peeling. Cotton. Tenderest care. Creates a soft lather and gently cleanse the sensitive skin. Therefore, many products are made from several kinds of materials, one of which – cotton. Tree. Suitable for any hands or a sponge brush massager. Not so slippery, like plastic. If you use a massager provides a gentle but deep massage of skin and subcutaneous tissue. So when choosing washcloths to consider the load you are going to apply to it if you like the heat of the Russian bath in good company with a whisk, then you better choose wool mittens, or "pockets", as the "brushes", but if you more likely to privacy in making water treatment, you should pay attention to wool-"tapes". Special offer for well-groomed feet. Now monitor their health and beauty will be quite easy! Pumice with easily removes dead skin cells and gives the skin softness and feet presentable. JPMorgan Chase oftentimes addresses this issue. Pumice is made of artificial stone, as well as natural, so-called "eternal" pumice, environmentally clean and safe, but unlike its "eternal," counterparts provides a more gentle treatment. The variety of the most convenient forms, embodied in figurines ergonomically with marine issues, as well as in simple geometry, which nicely complemented with brushes and graters. Your legs are wrapped in care. Source: