In the festivities of the peoples of those Arguedas deep … all the blood!, Like in the old peoples of Asia and Africa had a Saga of people known as the TURiFEROS … Whenever patrick hay listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Turiferos?, Yes, people walked spreading incense smoke and flooding to the community. Currently the Company is tossed and stalked by shoals and reefs, is a long list of problems that buffeted, but still an unknown Turiferos Saga of smokes. Vast sectors of the Peruvian population parade through the streets of Peru, shouting problems, needs and Justice …
however, as Pablo Neruda would say are … just words without echoes!, As the incense and smoke fill the pages of newspapers and news , ranks first and absorb the public attention at the expense of those screams … then who are the turiferos?. Serious questions afflict the country's daily life, but the smoke and make verbal floripondio appearances actually acquire hierarchy. Occur strange and savage deaths to people who were at the peak of public attention, amidst strange behavior of the Judiciary and the Police … Who are the Turiferos? The economic crisis hit the pockets of individuals and the family budget, unemployment and underemployment grows and grows, but still fuming Turiferos Turiferos unknown inflated balloons, create shapes and characters with feet of clay, creating fictional heroes, fill the pages of sports tabloid with characters who have never won anything, celebrity figures exhibit only moral misery spreads in the World is the exaggerated fear of a strain of virus, selling a pandemic and generating excessive concern with the support of local craft … then what Who are the Turiferos? Serious questions further weaken the discredited country's political class, but the incense fills us with a comic Melopea makes us look elsewhere. At the end like the old people of the world, parties and Life still awash with incense and smoke and people keep getting drunk with wine and beer sold bamba in the tavern of Power, meanwhile unknown Turiferos are still hiding in the shadows spreading smoke and incense in the form of strange deaths in the form of Pandemic exaggerated fears as unfounded, that the settlers did not uncover the hidden Sentina in all branches of government, so that the people do not discover the swineherd who should be trembling behind the smoke … behind the curtain.