
Fruits that never could be eaten: ) Not to eat of the fruit of the revolt (that is, not to practise the revolt) Gn 4.5-16; I Sm 15,23 b) not to eat of the fruit of the disobedience (that is, not practising disobedience) I Sm 15,22 Recommendations: Of the children to the parents Ef 6.1-3; CL 3.20? Of the servants you Ef 6.5-7; Tt 2,9, 10; CL 3.22-25? You to the servants Ef 6.9; CL 4.1? Of the wives to the husbands Tt 2.5; I Pd 3.1? Of the husbands the wives Ef 5.25; I Pd 3.7? Of the church to the shepherds Hb 13.17; I Ts 5.12; I Tm 5,17 c) not to eat of the fruit of the irreverncia (not being irreverent or lacking with respect the sacred things) II Sm 6.7; Ec 5,1, 2; I Co 11,27-30 d) not to eat of the fruit of the misalignment in the home (that is, misunderstanding or yoke -3 – different) II Co 6.14; Is 38,1 e) not to eat of the fruit of the uses and mundane customs Ef 5.11; I Jo 2,15 f) not to eat of the fruit of dither (that is, not being exaltado and not proud) TM 18.3; 23,12 g) Not to eat of the fruit of the egoism (that is, not being dominated for the EGO) Lc 9,49, 50; Fp 2,4 h) not to eat of the fruit of the hatred (not to hate) Lc 9.51-56; TM 5,44 i) not to eat of the fruit of incredulity (not to doubt) TM 13.58; 17.20; Jo 20,27 j) not to eat of the fruit of disinterest TM 7.7; Lc 11.13; Tg 1,5, 6 Is interesting to observe that the culture of the farming of God portraies what any agriculturist makes in its farming, applying defensive and preparing the land. As well as the agriculturist it manages its agricultural farming and goods, in the same way it is in the farming of God. .


As it said is a joy, but it is also an honor and a responsibility. I become to understand: am here to speak for a group of seminaristas, I, a simple layperson, call to discourse on some aspects concerning the liturgy, that is a subject on which? certainly? vocs has more knowledge of what I. I thought a little on this: For which reason, God placed, me in a situation that can very be well translated by the popular dictated one: ‘ ‘ to teach to the Father Ours to vigrio’ ‘? Where I could contribute? , Ahead of this question I decided well to reveal what a layperson knows on liturgy from what is rank for the S Doctrine, larding such exposition with some brief reflections of philosophical matrix, with the objective to bother them a little the what concerns our subject in the way of its ordinances. Before entering in our central subject, comments of antropolgico direction allow me to carry through brevssimas. The man is a being that effectively likes to celebrate moments that are rich of meanings (anniversary, formations, conquests carried through in the life, etc.). This characteristic human being already became gift in the primrdios of the humanity. Also since the primrdios ‘ ‘ the man searched forms of if communicating with the deity; this in all the peoples is through dances, musics, using elements of the nature as flowers, plants, animals, fruits, etc.

Are innate trend in homem’ ‘ (AQUINO, 2004, P. 9). The manifest liturgy this necessity of the man if to communicate and if to find with God. What it is mentioned in specific way, to the liturgy catholic, it is enormous the amount of doubts who the fidiciary offices have, then is enormous the amount of doubts on this meeting with God.