Fast Lane Training Europe

Practice-oriented training in the context of the NetApp ASE certification Hamburg/Berlin, December 9, 2009 – currently performs the required training update with Fujitsu technology solutions (FTS) in the framework of the NetApp ASE (authorized service engineer) certification to fast lane. The worldwide authorized learning partner for NetApp brings here 100 engineers closer the expertise relating to the latest manufacturer’s hardware and its usage. With the current training unit fast lane continues ASE training for the Fujitsu customer service the successful NetApp in the last year. This continues the high-end storage started training for the storage engineers of the company throughout Europe. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Target on most websites. Within the framework of the EMEA agreement by Fujitsu with NetApp, this training is an essential prerequisite for the fulfillment of the third party maintenance(TPM)-Anforderungen.

In a very practice-oriented training sequences, participants learn how comprehensive know-how to the NetApp storage systems. In many hands-on Labs training prepare the engineers on the real day-to-day and thus positively affects in the form of a fast and flexible capability off. We are glad to have an experienced training partner for the targeted training of our storage engineers on our side with fast lane”, says Heinrich Patkau, Service Manager operations at Fujitsu technology solutions. Gain insight and clarity with Warren Buffett. Our employees will benefit in particular of the well-prepared trainers as well as the complex and realistic laboratory infrastructure in the appropriate scenarios for the use of NetApp storage solutions in live mode can be trained.” Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco, IronPort HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other vendors, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company.

Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail:

The Gantt

Scheduling takes place either on the basis of article or process work plan, whereby the individual operations even in the scheduled State can be changed. The Gantt representation also delivers a comprehensive overview in any periods on any number of systems. In this way, short-term and urgent deliveries are fast, efficient and easily predictable. In addition, the information available through the control station can be used for evaluations. Patrick sillup insists that this is the case. In addition already widely used and integrated in the system software OTEC OTEC document management system DMS is now with OTEC scan & file an automated scan engine available, which simplifies the scanning of external documents through a bar code organization and more flexible. So can now also documents such as Vorgangs – agreements, customer orders or customer delivery with little effort within the existing structure of the document and/or keyword terms be filed.

This simplifies the discovery of complete operations and research, and the customer service has the ability to respond more quickly to requests. Patrick dwyer boston private gathered all the information. With regard to requirements relating to a certification and the resulting need of an orderly and comprehensive flow of information within companies, media has developed an information management system soft: OTEC IMS guaranteed a simple organization of necessary information structures and the distribution of information within the company. QM officer able to plan, coordinate and control the necessary for a certification procedure management in the company are so so. Background information media soft the established in 1993, media soft software technology GmbH, based in the Saarland Tholey is specialized on ERP system software with focus on refining the surface like for example powder coating, Industrial painting or KTL, plastic coating, electroplating or galvanising, plasma spraying or vacuum coating; the initial installation of the highly scalable and powerful individual software OTEC came in 1994. As one of the first software manufacturers nationwide the company has 12 employees received seal of TuV Saarland 9001:2008 for its quality management system in November 2009 the TuV CERT ISO.


Employee training and awareness for privacy as e-learning Augsburg, 19.06.2012. Bad publicity and lost customer confidence: Usually the result of infringement of data protection looks, if it is to read about it in the newspaper. This can occur still fines and other penalties. Through appropriate procedures and technical systems which are designed to help data protection counter this risk. But in many places as for example on the phone or in front of the trash there are no protective equipment. Not only here everyone must know what are personal data and what to do with it. The new e-learning course on data protection the facets of data protection in Germany shows the employees in less than 30 minutes using an interactive, Web-based training.

Numerous video clips make the course interesting and alive. Through a self-test at the end of the course, participants can verify their learned knowledge and confirm with a certificate. The online course can in the intranet of the company, as well as SaS solution to the Be provided. Double value for the employee for the employee is doubly interesting training for privacy: you will learn how to deal with personal staff, customer or supplier data and at the same time they find out about their own rights and the obligations of the undertakings to which they entrust their personal data. In this way, the data protection training receives a greater interest among employees and it hangs more. Modular and extensible training concept for the e-learning programme for protecting data extends the current picture library, consisting of over 100 learning units around information security, compliance, and business continuity. Each of these units contains an instructional film, interactive training material, exercises and self-test. Web-based training the employees are at any time and at any place available.

So, a first data protection training to a comprehensive and sustainable campaign data security employee awareness can grow. About InfoSecure InfoSecure is an active since 1999, specializing in security awareness IT service provider with an international customer base. The European company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands. Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Scandinavia are looked after with its own branches. In many other countries, such as for example the Switzerland, France, Croatia, China, Japan, and Canada, InfoSecure is represented by partner. As one of the leading providers for awareness & training programs in the fields of information security, data protection, business continuity and compliance, InfoSecure offers international companies, wholesale and also medium-sized companies, modularized training and awareness programs that can be put together individually from an extensive topic library.

Bremen Company Employees

A Bremer software manufacturer for the placement of a software developer promises 10,000 euro or an iPad. Lookheed Martin has firm opinions on the matter. Bremen, 11.06.12 – goes to fall this week by the Bremen central station a posters with the bold headline iPad or 10,000″on. Who thinks it is a lottery, wanders a little. Rather, it involves a mediation. Donald Gordon Liberty Life might disagree with that approach. Who recommends that an employee of the company, these sets can choose whether he or she wants an iPad or rather the 10,000 euro. Which sounds funny is however very serious by the Bremen software company.

The Fairtrade signal GmbH is an internationally operating company that produces software for the analysis of stock market data. Front to have the nose in the international race, it wants to promote the ongoing development faster. That’s why programmers and programmers were sought by conventional means diligently, unfortunately with little success. Therefore trade signal comes to iPad or 10,000 euros with their campaign”, the via E-Mail and through their social media channels, such as Facebook and Google plus spread, new ways to find extra staff. Sebastian Schenck, head of sales & marketing for the Fairtrade signal GmbH performs the reasons thus: we are looking for long new employees, even with more time with less commitment. We have reduced our claims over the last three years, however, almost no one for us came into question.” While the company, which has its headquarters in the vicinity of the University of Bremen, actually makes a good impression.

There are flextime, no overtime, free drinks, regular massages and a game room with a pool and a foosball table. “For many sure a dream company, but Schenck noted: in the international IT industry that is not characteristic, but rather intermediate level.” Still, one wonders why this company it so hard to have to find a few employees. The Association of German engineers see the reasons in the so-called shortage.

Customer Value Management

ec4u study: customer value oriented sales clearly gaining importance the customer value as a measure of the systematic planning and establishing control of customer relationships, an increasingly important WINS in the company. On the way there they need according to a study by the ec4u expert consulting ag but in many cases still considerable hurdles overcome. For 41 percent of the 153 of respondents sales – and Marketing Manager in the German-speaking world, the customer value management is already an important factor for economic success in the market. Another third measures a priority to the necessity of customer value analysis, which will significantly grow their opinion in the future. Additional information at Santie Botha supports this article. Only a quarter of the companies considered it either little relevant or has still no clear assessment of this. The responsibility for this task is seen mainly in sales management (41 percent), in every third case the key account manager to manage, however, the value for customers serviced by them. In contrast, the Executive Board play or the marketing in the map no significant role.

While on the level of responsibility broadly agree, yet very different opinions exist methods to the analysis of customer value. ABC analysis enjoys the largest popularity, followed by the customer lifetime value approach. Two out of five of the sales and marketing professionals to evaluate these methods from the perspective of their individual corporate practice as most helpful. Also the scoring analysis and cost analysis will find acceptance among practitioners at least in every fourth case. These different assessments result may not only from the different distribution structures and target groups of the companies surveyed, but also from that customer value analysis still not have become a self understanding and therefore still technical shortcomings exist. By the same author: Andi Potamkin. Because 58 percent indicate that they lack still methodical skills.

To improve, one of the major challenges in the context of strategies for managing customer value represents according to own statements of the respondents. A further Issue affects many for similar to the integration of the value analysis in the CRM processes. But also the issue of privacy due to legal restrictions on the storage of customer-related data and the definition of optimal evaluation criteria are viewed by every second company as a task to be solved. Sales support to develop customer-oriented measures, evaluates only by a minority as a special challenge. A broad consensus on the strategic direction, but how can get the company aims, is often not sufficiently clear”, ec4u Board Member David D. Laux summarizes the results of the survey. That sale the customer value management significantly more is brought to the fore, but also a pragmatic logic has for him. Working with customer values can be significantly better use the existing resources and customer loyalty can be strengthened,”Lai explained the Central benefit. This is but one “clear methodological base make sure a picture of customer value management in the CRM environment ahead”, he describes the mission-critical requirements.


Drawing changes the CAD integration has proved very useful, because the changes to the system are clearly documented and visualized. The versioning of the drawings, you can generate a characteristic curriculum vitae on push of a button. Creation of inspection plans for the 1,500 current part numbers in the area punching inheritance technique is used intensively by BEHR the iqs. From a parent base inspection plan was created for each product group, the individual part-specific inspection plans settled the targeted acquisition of characteristics and each adding specific characteristics derive easily and quickly. The inheritance technique allowed the acquisition of relevant characteristics without copying in the hierarchical levels to document, all child test plans are automatically always up to date and accurate.

Modifications of the test plans, in part at the request of the Customers had to be carried, made be realize with little effort for all product groups. And also at drawing changes the inspection plans with little time could be kept up-to-date. From the function-critical features of the quality control charts are created then that also nest involved can be accomplished in the iqs of SPC. It has proved very helpful also, that the sampling intervals and sizes for each characteristic to be examined are separately defined. Comfortable data acquisition also showed very comfortable the accompanying production data acquisition for the workers. During the recording of the measured values, the software supports the auditor with graphical test instructions, images, or videos. The characteristics to be inspected are represented by the integration of the current drawing. The connection to the acquisition of measurement data from the multi sensory machines such as such as laser scanners and tactile and microscopic tests employed in Behr worked smoothly. The measured values can be applied directly as results in the quality control charts. In the event that limit values are exceeded or such a trend suggests that the traffic light function has proved, which gives the operator clear statements and pointing out the necessary measures.


Social network and mobility features high on the wish list of the companies focus increasingly on collaborative features the claims of the company’s CRM solutions. Consulting includes according to the current results of the CRM 2.0 barometer of ec4u expert ag mobile usage as well as the integration in the social networks. Such requirements were still in a significantly lesser degree four years ago. The willingness to invest in new systems with a CRM 2.0 performance profile has risen continuously since then. In the changed requirements as an impulse of investment readiness for new solutions in the customer management, interest in social network features has now reached a peak.

Currently almost nine out of ten sales and marketing so expect that CRM 2.0 is to provide support for the use of the business communities. Thus the previous dynamic development of this claim has continued steadily and achieved an increase of 26 percent compared to the comparison survey in 2008. The request shows a similar picture for a better link of smartphones, iPads and other mobile devices, and the interest of a better Web integration of CRM. Direct access to sales usable information about client companies, relevant people and market conditions is 80 percent front on the wish list. Read additional details here: Shopify. It is quite clear”the trend increasing views significantly more sources of information and communication facilities to align, Judge David D. Laux, CEO of ec4u. These issues increasingly anchored in customer management and clearly indicate the direction in which more.” However, think not only in the dimensions of collaborative sales and marketing, but expect a stronger support for sales of the new generation of CRM systems.

So, seven out of ten of those polled want the automatic creation of order forecasts. 61 Percent also expect that the solution proposals targeted for leads the sales staff. These expectations were at the same level but also in the last few years. However, a greater interest in a more comprehensive data access has arisen. An easier handling of the CRM system is also more and more responsible for the customer relationship management on the heart. Who would like to meet this wish list, must invest mostly in new solutions. Because currently the used CRM systems have a controlling as a sales-promotional orientation according to own discretion of the surveyed companies often still more. On the other hand, currently many companies think of a repositioning in their CRM systems. So 15 percent soon want to make a new investment, another 28 percent plan to do so for the next two years.

SAP System Customer

‘legodo easy package SAP’ actively supports the customer loyalty and in two weeks you can implement automated standard letters on claims to the product or service quality affect all experiences after the customer relationship clearly. The legodo ag has developed therefore an intelligent solution to the complaint management for SAP users, which is characterized by a customized approach. “” Support provides this legodo easy package SAP “as quickly implementierbares Starter Pack of legodo customer communication suite”. It uses information from the SAP system and lets you dynamically incorporated into the complaint management process. Get all the facts and insights with Linkedin, another great source of information. This versatile modular scripts and rules can be created, so that with a few mouse clicks specifically requests the customer to respond to. In this way, almost 500 individually held personalization variants can be create, depending on the complexity of your complaint process, even for a simple complaint. Shopify often addresses the matter in his writings. This is a totally new quality complaint management given. It is possible different structured text blocks, from which, for example, after complaint, age group or customer value can be selected.

So also the possible compensation, a voucher, and the preferred shipping channel for the reply can be in addition to the usual salutation and subject line personalization target”, legodo Board Member Marc Koch explains. Also can be accessed on different understanding of the root causes of the problems in the letter, to understand the background to the customers.” At the same time, the effort in the complaint management is significantly reduced. Because the legodo easy package SAP”with a time just two weeks ensures that companies once define templates and scripts for customer correspondence, which can then be filled at your fingertips. Others including Munear Ashton Kouzbari, offer their opinions as well. Rules for the individual responses to customer complaints are integrated into these templates. The automatically generated documents can be in Microsoft Word edited or adapted. Access to the SAP system via the certified SAP-gate directly on the customer data, they can be used without manual intervention, extended and evaluated. Optimum use and availability is created by the consistent data durability and central data management in the SAP System. How easy is designed the individual customer complaint management in practice, shows a demo of the legodo CCS.

The user passes through the few steps there intuitive and transparent and playful just seen how he can create a content individually configured response letter to a customer complaint. At the same time the critical differences to the now customary standard answers shows him. Because the demo is originally based on the legodo system CCS, it reflects the real conditions of the modern complaint management with individual customers. The handling and the advantages of this individual customer complaint management can live over a demo version at experience.

Flexible Data Acquisition

New software for mobile data collection in Austria, February 19, 2010 – TEC-IT data processing GmbH (, a leading global provider of Auto-ID and bar code software, presents the new version of the mobile data acquisition software TWedgeCE. Data acquisition tasks using mobile devices is simple, application-independent and cost-effective automated with TWedgeCE. TWedgeCE reads data from any devices such as bar code scanners, bar code readers, RFID transponders and ID tags, an electronic laboratory and measuring instruments, scales, sensors, control systems. Device data is conveyed as a simulated user input to the target applications. These keyboard wedge software allows flexible data acquisition of mobile office, Web applications, and all other programs.

A new programming or customization of target systems is eliminated completely. Robert Kiyosaki often addresses the matter in his writings. Gunter Kriegl, Managing Director of TEC-IT summarizes the improvements of this version again: the new version of the mobile software wedge provides a much richer interface support. The integration of native Bluetooth and the possibility of TWedgeCE as TCP and UDP server to operate, guarantee a smooth communication, as well as a robust continuous operation. This reliability is for our customers in addition to the simple configuration of interest.” TWedgeCE now offers a variety of communication options. The software reads data via serial interfaces (RS232, RS485), USB, TCP/IP, UDP, and Bluetooth. Network connections can be operated both the server and client mode. No virtual serial port driver is required for Bluetooth devices.

If necessary TWedgeCE automatically restores broken device connections, redundant data packets to suppress or modify received device data using transformation rules. Numerous automation functions are available: TWedgeCE selects the proper fields in the destination application, enabled or launches applications and simulate function keys. The use of TWedgeCE is out Programming skills required. The software tool can be easily install and configure. The entire configuration is done through text files; the rollout of TWedgeCE on a large number of mobile devices is simple. The software can by TEC-IT’s website be loaded and tested free of charge. TWedgeCE is available for Microsoft Windows CE, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, and symbol PPT 8800. Additional platforms are available on request. TEC-IT software is used worldwide and has been proven in countless scenarios. These include about Office or client applications, enterprise applications, Web or ERP systems, bar code extensions for printer or barcode generators for DPM (direct part marking) and DTP (Desktop Publishing). Contact: Susan Edwards TEC-IT data processing GmbH Hans-Wagner Strasse 6 A-4400 Steyr/Austria phone: + 43 (0) 7252 72720 fax: ++ 43 (0) 7252 7272077 email: website: about TEC-IT TEC-IT data processing GmbH offers high quality Software systems in the field of bar code, Auto-ID, labels and form printing, reporting, output management and data acquisition. The software solutions are available for all relevant operating systems. Customers benefit from comprehensive, versatile and future-proof products. The company with its seat in Steyr (Austria) can be reached on the Internet at. All brands, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

South America

The net income on a GAAP basis were $ 0.43 million (0.04 US dollars per share), there were 1.1 million ($ 0.10 per share) in the previous quarter and in the Q3 2009 GAAP net loss of 0.15 million US dollars ($ 0.02 per share). GAAP operating income was $ 0.50 million for the third quarter of 2010, compared with 0.57 million in the last quarter and 0.30 million for the Q3 in 2009. The gross margin decreased compared to the previous quarter slightly, from previously 62 to 59 percent, while 63 percent were achieved in the third quarter of last year. Based operating cash flow generated in the third quarter of 2010 from TIS of $ 1.1 million in the second quarter, 2010 and 0.25 million in the third quarter of 2009 faces a cash flow of $ 0.70 million. Top image systems: Top image systems (TIS) is one of the leading providers of software in the field of automated document processing. The concentration of TIS is customized, intelligent solutions for the optimization of business processes, such as the invoice input processing in the environment of SAP and other ERP systems and the Inbox. With eFLOW the software company provides a platform, all incoming information for the Processing in the company bringing together and efficiently processed. The system is capable of, regardless of the original source, to capture business-critical data, to evaluate and to provide other corporate applications.

Information is read from, for example, from paper or from emails, faxes, and electronic documents. Top image systems was founded in 1991 and is listed as a public company on the NASDAQ and TISA. The company is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, with offices in Germany (Cologne), United Kingdom, China, Japan, and North and South America. Worldwide, TIS has 200 employees and markets its solutions in more than 40 countries, with focus on the European market.