Local Development

Term of office and Local Development in the Reality of the Cities. Flvia Hilrio Cassiano Social Assistant? UNITAU? Taubat-SP Specialist in Management of Social Politics? PUC-MG/08/09/2011 Conceituamos management as the orientation of the dynamics of an organization, that is, so that the management of determined organization, pautado in its daily activities well-are succeeded are necessary a good use of the resources human being-materials and the aiming of these resources to reach the predetermined purposes and proposals for the organization. Generally we identify in the Cities an absence first of planning of the actions that must be carried through and also the lack of availabilities of human resources and material for such actions. Also permeia the actions in the term of office the lack of continued education, diverse proposals of and innumerable conferences carried through with the participation of the society. The Cities, in general, it has its entailed purposes to the proposals of the state and federal beings, which had to the process politician-partisan finish many times at the mercy of placing the Cities of opposing realities and distant condicionalidades them really existing demands. In the majority of the cases, it does not have exit for the municipal managers, or they adhere to the verticalizado system (state and federal) of the programs and projects, or are to the edges of a possible and sudden local socioeconmico wage freeze, due to lack of respect to the sovereignty of the Cities. Understanding these ranks better it is important to stand out that the simple fact of if grouping people and resources are not enough to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of the resources placed for accomplishment of the works. The dimension of term of office goes very beyond the simplista idea of administrative team, this demand basically, the act to manage the team public that is in the scene of the products and services to be offered the proper financiers of social and economic politics of the country: The CITIZENS, under the optics of the world-wide conjuncture of relations and consequences.


The Law of Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF), after ten years, is consolidated in the scope of the public finances as one of the most important innovations in the Brazilian public administration, reason of commemoration for its highly positive results for the population, even so some points of control still needs regulation and/or perfectioning. For this, projects move in the National Congress as the Law of the Fiscal Quality and the Reformation of the Public Administration. The Law in itself is very good for the balance of the public accounts, but its effectiveness alone is observed by the performance of the agencies fiscalizadores that analyze and judge the accounts of the fiscal management in compliance with what it determines that one disciplines inspector. It is in this hour that if in general perceives the real importance of the courts of Accounts for the population, therefore if the LRF brought benefits for the society, much was in function of the orienting, fiscalizatria action and punitive of the courts of Accounts it stops with its jurisdicionados – managers of the public resources. With the advent of the LRF, the TC? s had gained new functions that they had forced to them to acquire one better preparation technique in such a way to follow the innovations brought in the planning instruments, how much in the budgetary execution, mainly in the verification of compliments of limits of expenses, which is evidenced in bimonthly and quadrimestrais reports that are, for determination of the proper Law, directed to the respective courts of Accounts for ascertainment of points as atingimento of the goals established in the law of budgetary lines of direction; limits and conditions for accomplishment of operations of credit and registration in Remaining portions Pagar; of the measures adopted for the return of the total expenditure with staff to the respective limit etc. For the implementation of the new attributions, the courts of Accounts would need to be modernized.