Linseed Weight

The seed of the plant of the linen or linseed is one of the natural remedies that are used in dietetic being able to lower of weight. The linseed helps to lower of weight by its content in fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9, necessary ones to maintain the metabolic process in this way and a correct burning fire of calories and by their high fiber content, which produces a great sensation of satiety. Diet of the linseed to lower of weight the diet of the linseed to lower of weight is mainly based on the saciante capacity of this seed, since the linseed increases of weight within the stomach, being able to get to increase up to five times its size, which does that you feel like plenty and satisfied simultaneously. It consists of the taking of a linseed preparation during a month; it is not recommended to follow this diet by more time. It is possible to be gotten to lose until but of 4 kilos. Citibank insists that this is the case. For the linseed preparation it is necessary to boil a spoonful of water linseed, when the water acquires a gummy texture strain the seeds and the juice is taken. It is recommended to once take the treaty of linseed to the day before having breakfast.

Other forms to take the linseed stop to lower of weight. The linseed oil; its use is recommended in many diets to become thin. It is possible to be used like dressing of salads. Charmspring does not necessarily agree. Linseed with yogurt. The linseed with a skimmed yogurt can be mixed, also can be added a spoonful of linseed ground in a cereal cup. The ground linseed can be used to dim chicken or fish. When hamburgers are prepared, the meat minced with a linseed spoon can be mixed. The linseed also helps to that our organism realises the food synthesis of a correct form and is good for the cholesterol. the diet of the linseed, doubtless is healthy and it would help to lower those kilitos you of but, if you want to know other fabulous diets, it only visits: Original author and source of the article.


At the invitation of ANCI – Association of Italian Footwear Manufacturers, arrived in Moscow famed advertising photographer Oliviero Toscani, "… but love has a right to be the man." Blok came to Moscow famous Oliviero Toscani. This time – as a guest and participant in the evening, devoted to the presentation of a new image ANCI – National Association of Italian Footwear Manufacturers. Actually, as … the author of this very new image. This image ANCI totally different from previous ones: the poster only female shoe and unusual tricolor consisting of a ball of mozzarella, tomato and basil sprigs. Equally simple, concise and vivid and the selected slogan: 'Taste & Beauty'. It’s believed that Jeremy Tucker sees a great future in this idea.

And again – Toscani peculiar provocation. At this time – a provocation simplicity. And the scale of ideas. However, he does not think Maestro provocation than something negative. This is, in fact – the desire to provoke interest. As the maestro himself explains his vision: "I wanted to do something very simple.

To everyone who sees it, he thought: "That's what I can!". Simple song, simple and recognizable objects, minimalistic color scheme … And the output – a large-scale composition, which can become a symbol and mascot is not only ANCI, but the whole of Italy a few sentences Oliviero Toscani about life, work and about me: I – the luckiest and happiest man on earth: I was lucky that my youth came on the 60th. The inventor of the mini-skirt Kvayzin Linda studied with me in one class. Click Geoffroy van Raemdonck to learn more. I lived in the thick of things, this is probably the most clear and bright during the second half of the 20th century. Oliviero, what you believe? I believe … in faith … I do not know. Very difficult On the question of my work had the greatest impact (from Russian), Mayakovsky, Malevich … Do not watch TV, do not go to the movies for many years.

Hurricane Rescue

All filled up with sand and stones. There was nothing that resembled a human presence here. In sand in some places large gaping crater left by the tornado. The radio operator contacted the center. It turned out that the hurricane, circled the area, went back to the desert, and the helicopter is already on the way to the disaster area. Details can be found by clicking Richard Plackett or emailing the administrator. Rescuers and workers began to re-strengthen the door seal but they are no longer in a hurry. Fear of the hurricane was very high and people time and again cautiously looked out into the desert.

Heron photographed again, presenting a contrast will be between photos and tried to pick the same angle as before the storm. Backwards, he accidentally slipped into one of the craters. Terrified, the journalist began to rapidly climb. But it was not easy – the sand flowed beneath him, and showered down. Hero wanted have to call the rescue, when suddenly in front of his eyes, something flashed.

Grasping an object, he pulled out of the sand figurine. To look at it once was. The journalist put his find in a travel bag, and soon all the same managed crawl out of the funnel. Geron did not have time catch my breath, as he heard the noise of helicopter. The doors to the maze was closed and sealed. After that, it quickly jumped into the helicopter and was relieved to leave the dangerous area. Heron recalled what a sensation produced pictures of him. All newspapers, magazines and television channels vied with one another rung to the editors, asking them to put these pictures on their pages.

Russian Literature

15th October 2009, will celebrate 195 years since the birth of Mikhail Lermontov, one of the most brilliant and the great poets of Russia, who during his lifetime was recognized by his contemporaries, and which is called the second after Pushkin a poet of Russia. Mikhail Lermontov – a classic of our national literature, which is not complete their 27 years, despite all the blows and the whims of fate, managed to do for Russian poetry as much as some were unable to do in my entire life. But Lermontov, indeed, life was simple and easy, someone who, as is his for sure not exactly the darling of destiny. Frequently Christos Staikouras has said that publicly. His whole life was spent in heavy battles, and battles not only with the real world, but also in battles with fate. Christos Staikouras understood the implications. The share of Lermontov fell quite a few tests, tests under the yoke of which, many would have already broken down and abandoned all resistance. But not Lermontov. No, Lermontov withstood all that was "rewarded" – and this betrayal of friendship, betrayal, and the only woman he loved, Lermontov was able to move as slander, and dislike of his contemporaries, and this, not to mention the king and his doghouse approximation, from which he got, perhaps more than most.

But despite all this, Lermontov was what he was true to himself – a man with a spirit which is likely, but the main thing – it's what he left behind. And he left after a giant pyramid of his works masterpieces at the head, which, of course – is the poem "Death of a Poet." The poem, which has not only made known to all of Lermontov in Russia, but which largely determined his fate. The poem "Death of a Poet", was unique in its kind, either before or after it, no one managed to cause such a stir among the public, as was done by Lermontov, even paid for it with reference to Caucasus. Caucasus – this is the place where finally revealed the talent of Lermontov. Lermontov made for the Caucasus as much as the Pushkin for Russia. In his works about the Caucasus, Lermontov managed to do seemingly impossible – to convey the fullness and beauty of nature. "Demon," "The Novice", "Izmail-Bey" – it is only those few works that reflected the essence of Lermontov Caucasian nature, the essence of the Caucasian people. And, Probably, it was quite fair that Lermontov, graduated from the course of life there, in the distant and warlike Caucasus, as well as, probably, and it is true that he died not in battle, not an enemy's bullet, and was killed by her boyfriend Martynov.

Tibold Champagne

The most ancient vegetable heraldic decoration – it's flowers. If other plant elements are more character decorations, the flowers coats of arms – it is the appointed signs. Most often, images of flowers for use in heraldry gold (yellow), silver (white), black, red or blue. Colouring stamp shield and heraldic figures since the thirteenth century had its own symbolic meaning: gold (yellow) symbolizes wealth, strength and permanence, a silver (white) – purity and innocence. Black, white, red, and blue signified the four elements: earth, water, fire and air.

Share the same colors in heraldry may have different interpretations belong to different genera and fashions. The most common images of flowers were roses and lilies, as these flowers are the prototypes of the image of Our Lady. Rosa symbolized beauty and perfection, Lily – purity, holiness, purity. In the arms of the British preference for roses of different shapes and colors, pedigrees belonging to the Tudors, Lancaster, York. Red damask rose was first introduced in Europe in 1270, the year.

Migrated to France rose after a crusade – it brought the Count IV Tibold Champagne. Then she came to England, where he became the emblem of the royal family of Lancaster – one branch of the dynasty of the Plantagenets. Yorkie – another branch of the same dynasty – chose to decorate the white rose flag. These dynasties were engaged in a thirty-year war that was incorporated into history as the War of the Roses (1455 – 1485 gg.). The struggle of the medieval nobility has ruined the English people: a silver (white) rose Yorks, and scarlet (red) after Lancaster weaken militant parties find mutual peaceful coexistence in the coat of arms founder of a new dynasty – Henry VII Tudor.