
Many back problems can be avoided by an ergonomic work space. Our field of activity has extremely changed during the last years. The physical work was constantly less and so do now most people your advised from the Office. This change has the movement in the everyday lives of many people, but also a reduction. Problems with the back muscles for many people unfortunately already belong to the normal everyday life. The causes can be varied, but more and more back pain have their origin in the Office. A too low Office Chair, a high desk, a screen is placed too high can be blamed spine problems on all these factors.

For many physiotherapists, a lack of exercise is a serious problem and often the main reason for back pain. 1 Office Chair of Office Chair should optimally support the spine and hold it steady. Once the spine is it doesn’t take long to register the first complaints. 2. Office table The Office table must be neither too high nor too low, and should be adjusted to the optimal seat height of the Desk Chair. Also the working surface is important so that the monitor in sufficient distance can be placed. 3. keyboard for keyboards, there are already various conditions, which the wrists at the work preserve.

Oh an Edition for the computer mouse is most commonly in conjunction with a mousepad. It is important, that the keyboard does not exceed a height of 4 cm. 4. monitor the screen should be away at least 50 cm from the eyes. The Stundnelange work in front of the screen is in itself already a strain on the eyes. It will be therefore recommended in between small screen breaks and to wander in the distance. To conserve the neck muscles, the monitor should be positioned so that you can work with his head slightly bowed. 5. upright sitting the best Office Chair does not help if you pay not attention to keep the spine straight. By deliberately upright sitting can many back problems be avoided. 6 small keep moving help movement breaks to relieve you to the spine. Use these breaks also help to make the one or the other back exercise. Also known as wobble boards, which strengthen the entire core muscles are highly recommended.