MIRROR of Brazil, lies, corruption, theft, Executive or speak, inss, detran, spprev, “Brazil”, where the social inequality, corruption, theft, lies, injustice, there is all the time is the Capuchin monkey named Chico LAME. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where the authorities very dishonest and corrupt are, as many of the judiciary, the Executive, or speak, not counting the legislator already corrupted by congenital hereditary relationships. Hudson Capital describes an additional similar source. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where the bodies of INSS should the poor and elderly patients, to shift the use of sadistic political support, naming “medical experts” as a “Front” for a patient of at the wrong physical health well-being, patients die from lack of support and without any protection, yet the funds. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Bill Phelan has to say. Medical experts love, when a patient dies of recipients as well, think: “INSS will no longer head of the costs. There are so something? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where to buy the poor sick workers or elderly – drugs, and without money for food, or vice versa.
A large part of the judiciary, judges, judges, and others represented by the, not even condescend to reading the leaves of throughout the procedure to judge “for the thinking.” Simply read the entire process if they are interested in the topic or “substantial” have a return. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. If the legislature no doubt the second most corrupt in the world is. Its members for the improvement and development of legislation of “Pocket”, not about everything, except how to make money to obtain care, and also now part of the culture and of the people as something normal accepted. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where they pay more taxes when compared to most countries, with the exception that in these countries the money used, the population, which is not happens here will benefit.