Boss Work

With security already you have any other experience as an employee, and you can count the positive and negative aspects of being employee on property. The advantage of having a fixed salary every month, especially if it is high; lucky to have been part of some teams and companies where you are treated with respect and affection, demand and justice, you gave opportunity to learn and grow as a person and professional. You can also refer to special cases where you was not so well as an employee, by the lack of leadership from your superiors, bad treatment, little development and the excessive time you devoted to work, if perceived reward proportional. The advantage of being your own boss, is that not leave to fate or luck, that you will better or worse at work, because you yourself you sympathy set your destination, greater success, happiness, and you asignaras your own salary, according to the work and dedication, results obtained and acceptance of your business proposal. We spent her life searching for the fountain of freedom, that will allow you to express in the form fluently and without limitations, in all fields.

Well, a path that will give you this much-anticipated freedom, is develop your own entrepreneurship, so that you’re your own boss and architect of your destiny. Because who will not have to blame, you depend nor the luck of fate, to make you a best or worst boss, already that only your business and your abilities, your enterprise and your thoughts, your desires and your actions will meet face to face. You can think that it is easier to be used, but it’s more gratifying to be an entrepreneur; easier to have a boss telling you what to do, but most valuable to be your own boss. Freedom will be able to manage your time, your spaces, your activities, your expression and management. Of course, you can earn extra money because the only limitation you yourself put it with your work and accomplishments. Try and find the option of being your own boss, compares the feelings of being with regard to those who you felt when you were employed. With safety, advantages and benefits of being independent, they will enable you to enter and never leave this environment, allowing you to be free, give the maximum of your ability, don’t have bumpers or limitations that restrict your potential, a happiness for the accomplished work, and a money extra that you can win, that you yourself you asignaras it fairly and as a reward for your achievements.

Works Council

Changes threaten almost always firmly established or ritualised life and behaviors long proven paths of the reality of life are suddenly no longer accessible. Since the new ways often still not recognizable or by Uncertainty and lack of transparency are concerned, new paths must be found, until a stable equilibrium is restored. Changes can trigger strong emotional responses, depending on the level of personal concern. The stronger the emotional involvement, the accompanying emotions such as anger, outrage, anger, disappointment, discouragement, resignation, etc. are stronger examples of strong reactions when changes such as: discussions about the necessity and the importance of the measures adopted in involvement of stakeholders stakeholders are positioned in Saviour roles and / or the stronger the loyalty of employees on existing victim roles is derogatory and personal attacks against officials in the corresponding management functions, the potential resistance of the status quo guardian against change is all the stronger.

The binding runs on the core values on which the business model of the Company is built. This knowledge is essential for the planning and implementation of changes. In the first phase, it is therefore particularly important to understand the existing culture of values. 2 phase: A good preparation is half success each change project will have planned and projected the experiences with change measures, mostly through involvement of external consultants or parent entities. Such a project can only succeed if the top management, key stakeholders and the Works Council as promoters show flag. In the creation and design of the planned change activities are to keep in mind the following points: 1 exact figures, which proves the need for the proposed measures and provides information on the estimated cost of development, as well as the accurate market data, is a prerequisite for the net change planning. And this not only in the economic sense, but also to document the moral need to change.