It is possible to spend much time looking for the way to be happy. There are many books that explain how to get it somehow. Or at least they say about some things that they can do to live better. However, it is possible to read all the books and brochures on the topic and still not achieve satisfaction. In fact many people end up disillusioned.
They spend hours and hours, perhaps days, months or years trying to find a formula. But they cannot find it. And it is not that all those texts not explains nothing valuable. Otherwise, have some very good ideas. It must be noted that they were written by people who knew what they were doing, at least one part of them.
And it is true that the councils that provide should contribute to better leverage this accident called life. Then why don’t they work? Reading books is not the only thing that can fail to be happy. Any of us know at least someone very wise. Someone very wise that however cannot be happy. No matter then the ideas, tips and knowledge. Apparently missing something without which nothing You can give more results. And that something is called consequence. No matter how much you know or how many good ideas have without that component. It is possible to even that with everything you already know would happier even of everything that you’ve ever proposed. But without being consistent with everything that you know, don’t expect anything. The inconsistency is an evil which must be waged because it prevents to be happy. And he does it like you’ve seen even though you have everything you need. Because if you don’t do what you have in mind anything enough. To be consistent, it is not enough with that have brilliant ideas. You have to put them into practice. That is the only way that a good idea or a good Council take effect. There is no other way. Enough to seek magic recipes. You will be able go wandering text in text life. But you will not find nothing as well. What you have to do is precisely what you know what to do. You already have enough theory, now apply it. Mentally not it fails but neither succeeds. So from now on it is to carry out each of the things that you’ve learned. No matter in what area of your life. It serves the same for business than for the couple relationship and everything else.