
' Where he is the other? where it is the different one? where it is the common one to all people? Where they are the tests, where they are the facts? Good the news were alone rumors? ' ' H. Gessinger. Period of rains, summer in our piauiense capital. Amongst other consequncias, pra me, what more it characterizes this time are the opportunist calls viroses. Thanks to some respiratory complications with which I still coexist since less young, these if use to advantage of these problems. Or it would be bad luck? I do not know, the doctors are philosophers and they never arrive at a consensus.

Then, recently it stows making tour for some clinics, and – only now – I could not leave to perceive a thing. I say ' ' only agora' ' why a difference between seeing exists, and taking conscience of what it has for backwards of the visa: to enxergar, to notice, to know, to know, to think. Good, but we go to the thing: the children, have diverse types of pastime in these places. Or better, not only in clinics, but in the majority of the places. Places pra to play, televisions transmitting livened up drawings.

Then I was to think, why? Why, it is clearly, pestinhas make racket if to be idle, bother the parents, proliferate the ambient clutter. Then I transferred my thoughts there to a certain mirror. I, to the 15 years, ' ' adolescente.' ' One day called ' ' aborrecentes' '. One day died by being threat. Now we do not bother more in the clinics. We do not bother in the hospitals. We do not bother in the schools. We do not bother, then we are not worthy of the public effort of the distraction. They do not know to say when we start, when we finish.