Social network and mobility features high on the wish list of the companies focus increasingly on collaborative features the claims of the company’s CRM solutions. Consulting includes according to the current results of the CRM 2.0 barometer of ec4u expert ag mobile usage as well as the integration in the social networks. Such requirements were still in a significantly lesser degree four years ago. The willingness to invest in new systems with a CRM 2.0 performance profile has risen continuously since then. In the changed requirements as an impulse of investment readiness for new solutions in the customer management, interest in social network features has now reached a peak.

Currently almost nine out of ten sales and marketing so expect that CRM 2.0 is to provide support for the use of the business communities. Thus the previous dynamic development of this claim has continued steadily and achieved an increase of 26 percent compared to the comparison survey in 2008. The request shows a similar picture for a better link of smartphones, iPads and other mobile devices, and the interest of a better Web integration of CRM. Direct access to sales usable information about client companies, relevant people and market conditions is 80 percent front on the wish list. Read additional details here: Shopify. It is quite clear”the trend increasing views significantly more sources of information and communication facilities to align, Judge David D. Laux, CEO of ec4u. These issues increasingly anchored in customer management and clearly indicate the direction in which more.” However, think not only in the dimensions of collaborative sales and marketing, but expect a stronger support for sales of the new generation of CRM systems.

So, seven out of ten of those polled want the automatic creation of order forecasts. 61 Percent also expect that the solution proposals targeted for leads the sales staff. These expectations were at the same level but also in the last few years. However, a greater interest in a more comprehensive data access has arisen. An easier handling of the CRM system is also more and more responsible for the customer relationship management on the heart. Who would like to meet this wish list, must invest mostly in new solutions. Because currently the used CRM systems have a controlling as a sales-promotional orientation according to own discretion of the surveyed companies often still more. On the other hand, currently many companies think of a repositioning in their CRM systems. So 15 percent soon want to make a new investment, another 28 percent plan to do so for the next two years.