1 Rogrio Landmarks Dos Reis Summary To each day that passes, familiar agriculture in Brazil is conquering its space, through generation of job, distribution of income and commercialization of products with quality. In this work the profile of 18 familiar agriculturists in the region of Guaraniau PR is analyzed, with the objective to inform the reality lived for them, the faced difficulties, and which would be the strategy of production used to increase the volume of commercialized products. As result, one expects to contribute with suggestions and orientaes for the professional growth of these agricultural producers. Word key: Agricultural management; Familiar agriculture; Strategy of production. INTRODUCTION: The importance of familiar agriculture is focused in the food production, the generation of jobs and the distribution of income and land. All familiar agriculturist has in its set of practical techniques of economic, social and ambient nature coherent with its reality purpose of its system of production, use of the ground and with its essential necessities, that make compatible the familiar objectives with the environment and the productive interaction that determines to each one of them the reasons that allow to explain why they act in different ways between itself and in relation to the capitalist agriculturist (SUNDERHUS, 2008). The logic of the familiar production is centered in the diversification and integration of vegetal, animal activities, of primary transformation and rendering of services and, for working in lesser scales, can be the key for representation of a model of development of an agriculture of sustainable nature (SUNDERHUS, 2008). The objective of this article is to contribute with the strategies of production through the valuation of the local production for the familiar agriculture of Guaraniau – PR With these strategies of production, the familiar agriculturist will be able to invest more in the property, inside of the detected necessities in what it refers to the increase of the production, and commercialization of the carried through businesses and to search more knowledge in specific departments, so that he is reverted in the increase of the profitability.